Lase Adeleye, designer and webflow developer interested in product design, marketing, and branding.
"Perhaps design backed by research and mixed with personal choices is the way to go."
When we think about art we all come to our own different definitions as to what qualifies for art; some view it as simply an expression of creativity, other view it as more than that. Some view it as something that is learned other as something you are born with: in the end the view point on the subject matter is purely subjective.
But the question may be asked "what qualifies for a great art work or in this case a great design?"
To answer that question is difficult due to its subjective nature but we can try to bring it down to a rational level.
When it come to designing something , quite frankly anything there must be a reason behind it, now the reason as to why may differ but ultimately your "reason (the why)" will be proven to be valid or invalid depending on how the design is received by audience to which you are offering the design to.
"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
- Steve Jobs
Think over this scenario: Let's say you are asked to design a water bottle for people above the age of 60; how would you go about doing it?
If you the audience applauds then have you done a great job?
This is the question to ask; if the audience to which I am catering likes what I have made then have I made a great design or does recognition for a design being great come from other place e.g Academies, Clients, Awards?
"If the market likes it then is it a job well done, and if they hate it is there something wrong with the design?"
In my opinion I view that taking in the audiences preference is important but that also, ones personal design choices should also be mixed in, in doing this the chances of something new being designed is increased.
Think about it this way: If you keep giving a person exactly what they're familiar with you'll get stuck in a loop very fast and will eventually have a product that looks the same each time.
In the end perhaps trying to determine as a general rule what makes a great design can't easily be done, perhaps it all hangs on the audience perhaps all on creativity or maybe just maybe on proper research mixed with a bit of personal styling.